Friday 16 February 2007

Withdrawl symptoms

The SBC website has been down forthe last 2 days and I'm DYING to see some of this weeks LOs for the comp ...

3Angels Scrpping have just announced their new additions to their DT - WOW!! That is going to be one hell of a team. Clair, Cat, Dee & Nat ... wow! I'll be watching with interest. 4 very different styles, but 4 very very talented ladies! Congratulations!

Had a great visit to the Osteo on Thursday and my neck feels almost back to normal - she said the fact that I'm continuing to exercise will probably mean it will take longer to totally heal, but she understands that I don't want to have to take a week off and do nothing, so that's all good.

At Christmastime I arranged for my family to have some photos taken ... I spoke to the photographer (let's call her Lou) and explained the job to her (i.e - 14 ppl, 0nly 3 of which were children - that we wanted natural, unposed photos etc etc), she said it was all fine, so each of us paid a $25 sitting fee, she was there for only 2 hours, and in the end we got only 116 proofs to choose from, there were only 3 of the kids just by themselves, the whole group shots were useless, dappled light etc and it wasn't natural looking at all. There were some shots which were good, but her post production skills were just terrible. Initially the proofs came back with this green tinge to them, so we asked her to fix them (she said she could) as well as fix the contrast up as all the skin tones were really washed out - she said she would. Some things she said she couldn't fix, but I've been told any photographer worth their salt would know how to do it in PS ... so the new gallery of proofs came back last night and I was just astounded. The woman has less post production skills than I do - and believe me, that's saying a lot. So I said I was sick of dealing with her and handballed it to Beth - we've decided to ask her for a disc of the RAW images - disc of the images as they are was going to cost us $550 ... If anyone can resolve the situation, then Beth can - if Lou won't play nice (which she has refused to do so far), then I'm just going to actuvely discourage anyone I know to ever employ her to take their photograph... not nice, but I'm sooooo angry about the whole thing. It's ruining my day.

I have some altered notebooks I should be working on ...

I'm going to a crop at SBC next Friday night - my first ever crop. FNG is supposed to be tonight, but the site is down, so who knows what will happen - Sara said it was going to be a 'doozy' of a games!!!! Not sure I like the sound of that!!

This has been Max's first full 3 day week of kindy - he's loving it. His teachers are lovely and he has such a wonderful time there - every day I go to pick him up it's a struggle to get him to leave - he just wants to stay and paint and draw and paly!!! I'm so glad he's enjoying it. He comes home soooooo tired, because he refuses to sleep there. He hasn't had a daytime sleep since he was about 2 - but he has quiet time at home watching a DVD or reading books - kindy just wears him out so much! Yesterday he could barely keep his eyes open before dinner - unfortunately he seemed to get a 2nd wind right before bed!! Little bugger!

A's home today for a day off - he's at bunnings and when he gets back we're going to go somewhere quick for lunch before picking Max up.

I'm starting to feel as though I need a bit of a break from everything ...

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