Thursday 8 February 2007

peace and quiet

Max is at kindy and Maeve is asleep ... the house is very quiet!!!

Here's my latest contribution for the comp over at scrapbook city. The challenge was to do a LO on something you are passionate about.

My journalling around the outside reads:
"These things ...have become my passion ... Passion or obsession?? Is there a difference? Are people normally obsessive over those things they are passionate about? There are a few thinkgs in life I am passionate about, scrapbooking, my family, being a good mother, but lately I have been most passionate about my health & fitness. The best part is that once my goals have been reached, I can focus on being passionate about shopping for a whole new wardrobe!!! Now THERE is a PASSION!!!"

Journalling on and around the photos reads:
"eating good food. watching every bite"
"My iPod ... how could I live withoutthis littel device?"
"I've recently started running 3 x a week ... YES, ME, running!!! I have a goal to run the Bridge to Brisbane in August! Crazy huh?"
"Exercise ... I LOVE my gym. I tell everyone I know about how great it is. The people there are great ... very supportive"
And the rub on on the food photo reads

" Life isn't about Finding yourSELF it's about CREATING Your SELF"

Anyway, I must learn how to use our scanner and photo stitching software - that photo looks totally crap.

Gotta go have a shower before Maeve wakes up - I stink.

1 comment:

Cass said...

WOW Sara I LOVE this LO and the journalling is fantastic...too true

It's funny I find myself sitting here Blogging cos my kids are napping

TTYL Cass xxxx