Monday 26 February 2007


It's midnight ... I will have to be up in 6 hours ... I can't sleep ... my mind is racing with all the things I have to get done this week - I wish we came with an off button!

made it through to the next round of the comp at SBC ... thanks mainly to the skill of my wonderful partner, Trudi ... she was awesome this week - her score this week was just amazing! She totally deserved it and now I feel like I'm dragging the chain a bit there! Hopefully this week will be a better one for me. I really want to try and break out of the normal style I normally do - It's such a comfort zone and can get so boring. This weeks challenge might help me do that a bit - some freestyling ... arghhhhh!!! I think this is why I can't sleep!! I'm going to give it a go and see what happens! Who knows, I may just like it!

This week is going to be such a busy one - I'm not sure where I'm going to find the time for everything.

I have to try and get our windows painted so the blinds can be installed!!!
I have New Beginings night for the girls at church on Wednesday and have altered notebooks to finish for that as well as a bunch of food to organise and other stuff
I have to pack for our family camp on the weekend
I have uni starting this week, so have readings and questions for that to do
I have the scrapbook comp LO to do
I have to send invites for max's birthday party
and lastly I have a house that looks a bit like a disaster zone ...

I'm sure I've forgotten something!

So I'm feeling a little stressed and anxious about getting everything done.

Had my PT at the gym today and over the last 5 weeks have lost 17cm combined off my bust, waist, hips, thighs and arm ... so pretty pleased about that.

Maeve has been so grizzly lately, I hope she passes this phase soon - it's driving me nuts.

We had the Kindy guinnea pigs for the weekend - it was much more fun than I thought it would be. Both the kids absolutely loved it, and once Max got told off a few times for hurting them (not on purpose I don't think) he was quite gentle with them and enjoyed playing with them, feeding them and patting them. Maeve was funny - she spent most of the time squealing at them!

I'm tired, now if my legs would stop aching from my PT this morning, I might be able to get to sleep.

Friday 23 February 2007

stuff ... original, I know.

So here's my next entry for the scrapping comp - we had to use at least 3 different sheets of Bazzill, one of which had to either be a decorative edge or bazzill bling (I used both). It had to have a hand cut title and we had to make our own embellishment out of bazzill and could use brads, stitching, staples and rub ons. We had to have journalling and at least 1 photo. Boy, it was hard. Not using PP was a real challenge.

Need to do some housework today and then I'm off to a crop night at scrapbook city tonight ... will take a page or 2 to do - hoepfully get some scrapping for me done that's not for a comp! although I'm hesitant to use any photos as I keep thinking they might be the perfect photo for the next challenge!!!

Friday 16 February 2007

Withdrawl symptoms

The SBC website has been down forthe last 2 days and I'm DYING to see some of this weeks LOs for the comp ...

3Angels Scrpping have just announced their new additions to their DT - WOW!! That is going to be one hell of a team. Clair, Cat, Dee & Nat ... wow! I'll be watching with interest. 4 very different styles, but 4 very very talented ladies! Congratulations!

Had a great visit to the Osteo on Thursday and my neck feels almost back to normal - she said the fact that I'm continuing to exercise will probably mean it will take longer to totally heal, but she understands that I don't want to have to take a week off and do nothing, so that's all good.

At Christmastime I arranged for my family to have some photos taken ... I spoke to the photographer (let's call her Lou) and explained the job to her (i.e - 14 ppl, 0nly 3 of which were children - that we wanted natural, unposed photos etc etc), she said it was all fine, so each of us paid a $25 sitting fee, she was there for only 2 hours, and in the end we got only 116 proofs to choose from, there were only 3 of the kids just by themselves, the whole group shots were useless, dappled light etc and it wasn't natural looking at all. There were some shots which were good, but her post production skills were just terrible. Initially the proofs came back with this green tinge to them, so we asked her to fix them (she said she could) as well as fix the contrast up as all the skin tones were really washed out - she said she would. Some things she said she couldn't fix, but I've been told any photographer worth their salt would know how to do it in PS ... so the new gallery of proofs came back last night and I was just astounded. The woman has less post production skills than I do - and believe me, that's saying a lot. So I said I was sick of dealing with her and handballed it to Beth - we've decided to ask her for a disc of the RAW images - disc of the images as they are was going to cost us $550 ... If anyone can resolve the situation, then Beth can - if Lou won't play nice (which she has refused to do so far), then I'm just going to actuvely discourage anyone I know to ever employ her to take their photograph... not nice, but I'm sooooo angry about the whole thing. It's ruining my day.

I have some altered notebooks I should be working on ...

I'm going to a crop at SBC next Friday night - my first ever crop. FNG is supposed to be tonight, but the site is down, so who knows what will happen - Sara said it was going to be a 'doozy' of a games!!!! Not sure I like the sound of that!!

This has been Max's first full 3 day week of kindy - he's loving it. His teachers are lovely and he has such a wonderful time there - every day I go to pick him up it's a struggle to get him to leave - he just wants to stay and paint and draw and paly!!! I'm so glad he's enjoying it. He comes home soooooo tired, because he refuses to sleep there. He hasn't had a daytime sleep since he was about 2 - but he has quiet time at home watching a DVD or reading books - kindy just wears him out so much! Yesterday he could barely keep his eyes open before dinner - unfortunately he seemed to get a 2nd wind right before bed!! Little bugger!

A's home today for a day off - he's at bunnings and when he gets back we're going to go somewhere quick for lunch before picking Max up.

I'm starting to feel as though I need a bit of a break from everything ...

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Here's my latest LO for the comp ...

Journalling reads : "...what can the matter be? Maeve, you are such a DRAMA QUEEN! You can turn on the tears with the best of them. At the tender age of 18 months you have already perfected the art of TANTRUM THROWING! You throw yourself on the floor and get so upset! It doesn't take much to set you off - on this occasion I'd taken your dummy! You love to get your own way! Look at that frown! I LOVE you!"
The challenge for the week was to use only patterned paper, no card stock. And you had to use that huge chipboard flower and journalling had to be on the chipboard.
So, as I said, not particularly creative, original or skillful, but it's me, I like it, I guess that's what matters most ...

Tuesday 13 February 2007

crap day

Do you ever have days where you just feel mad at everyone and everything?


It's rained here for 2 days - which is wonderful, we so need the rain (even though none of it is falling in the catchment areas probably - at least the garden will be green) but it means that we've been inside for the last 2 days ... I've been scrapping, which means the kids are a bit cabin feverish ... and driving each other and me a bit nuts.

I was supposed to go to the movies with a friend tonight, but cancelled that this morning because I'm out every night this week (mainly with church stuff) and thought A would probably like it if I stayed home. Now I'm regretting it.... could do with getting out of the house and away from the kids. arghhh.

Have done my 2nd page for the scrap comp at SBC ... my confidence is feeling quite shaken after seeing last weeks voting results ... I thought I'd done ok, but only received 7 points, with the highest scorer getting 13.5 .... My team of Trudi & I are currently 2nd last. Makes me wonder why I bothered entering. I've told myself over and over that I only scrap for myself and no one else ... that I'm not good enough to enter comps and be published ... I hate the whole being judged thing. I guess I just have to remember why I'm doing this, that it's for me and no one else - at least I'm doing LOs, which is more than I was doing before the comp. I mean, seriously, like I am design team material LOL!

I guess I really let that get to me today. I'd finished my LO before I saw the voting results (thank goodness otherwise I probably would have had a complete scrapping breakdown) and now am feeling really hesitant about posting the LO in the gallery. It's very 'me', very girly, flowery, pretty ... but it's not cutting edge or funky or new or stunning or amazingly creative or arty ... but I'm not any of those things either.

Anyway ... I haven't yet made A a valentines card and have no present. I'm not expecting anything from him, 'valentines day is just another day' - but knowing my luck, the one year I don't bother with anything will be the year I get shown up by him ...

Geez, I'm feeling soooo apathetic about everything today ... I think it must be that time of the month approaching. Funny, I had a bit of a lightbulb moment about that a couple of months ago - never having had regular periods before Maeve - that I get really grumpy the days before it's due and I want to eat anything and everything in sight - especially if it has sugar in it. The last day or 2 I've been really crabby and craving sweet things ... so I'm blaming women's issues. Sometimes being female in this world really sucks.

I have another Osteo appointment on Thursday ... my neck has been much better, but still sore. So I'll be glad to have the appointment, even if it means missing a gym session.

Anyway, I've just had a theraputic chat to Lisa on the phone - thanks Lisa - I'm feeling a little better. Might go to the gym tonight if I can rustle up the motivation ... I know it'll make me feel better, but it doesn't make it easier to go.

Thursday 8 February 2007

peace and quiet

Max is at kindy and Maeve is asleep ... the house is very quiet!!!

Here's my latest contribution for the comp over at scrapbook city. The challenge was to do a LO on something you are passionate about.

My journalling around the outside reads:
"These things ...have become my passion ... Passion or obsession?? Is there a difference? Are people normally obsessive over those things they are passionate about? There are a few thinkgs in life I am passionate about, scrapbooking, my family, being a good mother, but lately I have been most passionate about my health & fitness. The best part is that once my goals have been reached, I can focus on being passionate about shopping for a whole new wardrobe!!! Now THERE is a PASSION!!!"

Journalling on and around the photos reads:
"eating good food. watching every bite"
"My iPod ... how could I live withoutthis littel device?"
"I've recently started running 3 x a week ... YES, ME, running!!! I have a goal to run the Bridge to Brisbane in August! Crazy huh?"
"Exercise ... I LOVE my gym. I tell everyone I know about how great it is. The people there are great ... very supportive"
And the rub on on the food photo reads

" Life isn't about Finding yourSELF it's about CREATING Your SELF"

Anyway, I must learn how to use our scanner and photo stitching software - that photo looks totally crap.

Gotta go have a shower before Maeve wakes up - I stink.

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Today A went to the cricket at the Gabba, so I took the kids to dinner at Maccas ... naughty mummy. They both went crazy in the playground after eating 'dinner' - they were very cute - until Max rammed Maeve from behind and she went face first into the soft fall stuff (don't know why they call it that becasue it certainly wasn't a soft fall for poor Maeve). SO that was the end of that and we came home. Had to leave anyway as I had a couple of girls from Church comming over to talk about the youth program and needed to get the kids bathed and to bed and the house looking presentable (read not the usual pigsty it normally is) ...

The Osteo rang at about 5pm and said they had a cancellation for tomorrow at 10am, so I can go and hopefully have my neck fixed (pleeeeease). I'm so tired tonight, hopefully I'll be able to sleep ok, but will still take some voltaren anyway. I can't believe it's been sore for a whole week. Unfortunately will miss my spin class tomorrow (which I really needed to go to to burn off that macdonalds I ate ... ummm mah - I feel like a fat slob tonight - it's just sitting like a big lump of grossness in my belly).

Finished the bulk of my 1st challenge LO for Reality Scrap today - no-one is more shocked than I am about that! It just came together nicely - one of those things, quite pleased with it, although it's a bit different from my usual girly, flowery layered PP style ... not sure how much it will appeal to the masses and thus the voting, but hey, whatever. Still some journalling to add tomorrow or Thursday when I get a chance.

I'm very happy because I managed to find in the TV guide that there is an encore presentation of Prison Break on tonight ... YAY!!! so I'm taping in ... I'll be bale to have my weekly dose of Wentworth again!!!!

Waaaay past my bedtime .... 2 posts in 2 days ....

Monday 5 February 2007

I made it!!

Well, I made it into the top 20 for Reality Scrap at SBC ... wow! So the first challenge is to scrap something we're passionate about, with a few other product and embellishment requirements ... it's a tough one. I'm not sure how I'm going to get the photos I want, and I've never scrapped a page without people on it... so a big challenge for me.

I have a sore neck. I did something to it on Wednesday, I think as a result of my spin class on wed morning, and I thought it would get better on it's own. It hasn't and I've only been able to sleep with the aid of Voltaren. During the day it's not too bad, just tight feeling and a dull ache all day. Today I saw a physio and can I say how utterly hopeless and what a waste of time it all was. She did absolutely nothing. On my way home I stopped in at the Osteo at the Gym and made an appointment for Thursday (earliest I could get). So I just have to put up with it until then.

Anyway, I have to go and get dinner ready ... another meal which will no doubt be met with "yuck, I don't like that" ... grrrrr - makes me so mad. My eldest child is a terrible eater and a constant source of worry and dispair for me when it comes to his diet ... what can you do?

Thursday 1 February 2007

bits & pieces

I finally finished my layout for the scrapbook city reality scrap comp - here it is:

The photo opens out and there's another picture and journalling behind ... If I can be bothered I'll post a pic of that.
I met the lovely Sara at the shop this week - she's much taller than I ever imagined !! And was very nice and so encouraging, I just had to go home and get this done! So now we wait and see if I get through to the final 20. Before I wasn't really fussed either way, but it's something I'd really like to do. AND I'm going to get my act together and actually go along to a crop at the shop!!
I'm a BAAAAAD mummy.
Max had his first day of kindy today ... and I forgot to take photos. Somehow this morning turned into one of the most disorganised mornings in the history of this household. I don't know how it happened, because I thought I was ready for this day ... anyway, I neglected to take the camera. So I figure I'll just take it next week and we can pretend it was his first day!!! He had a fabulous day regardless and was so excited to go this morning and very much looking forward to going back.
We have a busy few days - Kindy today, swimming with some friends tomorrow afternoon and then Max is going to see Walking with Dinosaurs on Saturday. I hope he doesn't get scared.
Had a nice surprise this afternoon with a friend from Melbourne turning up out of the blue. My house was embarrasingly messy, but we managed to look past that!! They're here for a week and we'll probably go down the coast on Sunday to spend some time with them.
Went indoor rock climbing with the girls from church last night. I got half way up my first wall and panicked a bit and asked to be let down. My brother was belaying at the bottom. But once I'd done the down bit and realised I wasn't going to fall, I felt much more comfortable, went up the wall again and then tried another wall which had an overhang. I got half way up the over hang and just didn't have the strength to get any further. It was a fun night and the girls had a really good time. Some of them were very good at it and it was great to see them achieve on the more difficult climbs.
Had a lovely Australia Day at the Glen's house. Max played so well with their kids. and being able to swim on such a hot day was great. Maeve loved the pool. Makes me want to put one in at our house ... I'd just have to convice A ... and I don't think that's going to happen!
I still haven't made dinner, and the house looks like a bit of a war zone, so I guess I'd better get off here and go do stuff.