Wednesday 14 February 2007

Here's my latest LO for the comp ...

Journalling reads : "...what can the matter be? Maeve, you are such a DRAMA QUEEN! You can turn on the tears with the best of them. At the tender age of 18 months you have already perfected the art of TANTRUM THROWING! You throw yourself on the floor and get so upset! It doesn't take much to set you off - on this occasion I'd taken your dummy! You love to get your own way! Look at that frown! I LOVE you!"
The challenge for the week was to use only patterned paper, no card stock. And you had to use that huge chipboard flower and journalling had to be on the chipboard.
So, as I said, not particularly creative, original or skillful, but it's me, I like it, I guess that's what matters most ...


Unknown said...

Oh Sarah, I hope you are feeling better today. Just had a read through yesterday's post and that was pretty much me as well. I'm also putting it down to time of the month (there has to be a reason I can scoff a whole family block of chocolate).

And I love your page. Good on you for getting in early. Don't stress about those numbers. You are scrapping for yourself and your family. And entering competitions is always going to be hard - there will always be someone else who has different techniques, different supplies etc etc. Be proud of what you've created, it's gorgeous.

Sarah said...

thanks Leone - I know you're right - I loved your LO last week btw ...

Brendy xx said...

Love your layout Sarah, and those photos are priceless. The normal dummy spit, I can remember my littlies doing these too. But wait for it once they are teenagers, they can throw them just as BIG....
I was having trouble deciding on my flower too, as I would never normally do this sort of thing. But I think the flower was very challenging and definitely out of my comfort zone so makes the layout much more rewarding when you see the end product. So look at it that way:)

Unknown said...

Hey, love your link to me in your sidebar! Yep, I should have been a detective I think as finding out some of the surnames took a bit of doing!

Not sure if you read my comment on one of the pics in this weeks challenge (can't remember if it was yours but can't check now cause forum is down), but be prepared, you are in for many more years of tantrums. My daughter had the BIGGEST dummy spit this week when she found out her brother had eaten her block of chocolate left in the fridge! Ah the joys of having a teenage daughter with PMS!

Sarah said...

Leone - I did read that!!! Yes, alas, I know the best is yet to come!!!!