Monday 5 February 2007

I made it!!

Well, I made it into the top 20 for Reality Scrap at SBC ... wow! So the first challenge is to scrap something we're passionate about, with a few other product and embellishment requirements ... it's a tough one. I'm not sure how I'm going to get the photos I want, and I've never scrapped a page without people on it... so a big challenge for me.

I have a sore neck. I did something to it on Wednesday, I think as a result of my spin class on wed morning, and I thought it would get better on it's own. It hasn't and I've only been able to sleep with the aid of Voltaren. During the day it's not too bad, just tight feeling and a dull ache all day. Today I saw a physio and can I say how utterly hopeless and what a waste of time it all was. She did absolutely nothing. On my way home I stopped in at the Osteo at the Gym and made an appointment for Thursday (earliest I could get). So I just have to put up with it until then.

Anyway, I have to go and get dinner ready ... another meal which will no doubt be met with "yuck, I don't like that" ... grrrrr - makes me so mad. My eldest child is a terrible eater and a constant source of worry and dispair for me when it comes to his diet ... what can you do?


Princess Lu the Scatterbrained said...

Hey congrats Sarah about the Reality Scrap comp! Sorry to hear about the neck though, nothing worse than being in pain for days on end. I totally get what you mean about picky kids. My 5yo son is like that and no matter what I make he seems to say the same thing "I don't like that", even things he's never eaten before, things he has eaten before and liked and things he says he would like but it turns out he actually doesn't!!! He just started school this week and I worry about "failure to thrive" still!!!! Best of luck with dinner, I'm off to do the same thing! BTW glad your mojo is back - nothing worse than the will to scrap or time to scrap but no mojo to scrap!

Sarah said...

Thanks Lu :)