Monday 23 April 2007

toilet training

So last night was the first night we put Max in undies to sleep ... I was sure I would get woken up in the night to change the sheets.

I've been meaning to start TT him at night for ages, but wanted to buy another waterproof mattress protector before we tried. Finally got one on the weekend, so we could start.

He was so excited and proud of himself. No accidents, no wet sheets. So one night down, who knows how many to go ...

I'm very proud of him.

I ran my first 10k race on the weekend - you can read a riveting blow by blow account on the other blog if you're so inclined.

We're trying to decide what to do with the house renovation wise. It's very confusing and I wish we had a crystal ball to know what the right decision would be.

Uni is really dragging me down at the moment. I'm not enjoying it at all, I'm hating the subjects and wish it was all over. It's completely stuffing up my work/exercise/life balance - very inconsiderate really! ah well ... grit your teeth and get on with it.

Gotta go, the kids are climbing all over the dining room table ...

Tuesday 3 April 2007

Tuesday twitters

I took the kids to one of the Kiddies Cushion concerts put on by the QLD orchestra today.

I must remember not to bother to go again. We've been before (not last Christmas but the one before) and I came away with exactly the same feelings. It's just too long and too over their heads, even though it's marketed at ages 2 - 6.

Maeve was scared, it was too noidy, and the conductor was dressed as Buzz Lightyear and she was terrified of him. Max was attentive for most of it, but by about 10 min to the end he's had enough and wanted to go.

Don't get me wrong, I think they do a fantastic job, I just don't think my kids appreciate it as much as I would like them to!!! I may take Max again, but won't take Maeve.

Other news - I registered myself for the 10k race at the Brisbane Marathon on April 22nd. Come along and see me come last!!!! Cheer me on - I'll be happy to cross the line regardless of my place or pace. I'm excited about it and am looking forward to it. It's a bit of a last minute decision, but the right one I think.

The lovely Trudi got booted out of the RS team at SBC. I am shocked. She knows what I think and how I feel, so I won't go into that any further, I am just really surprised she's out. Good luck with the pregnancy issues at the moment too Trudi.

I'm not missing scrapping at all. I even got my mag in the mail the other day and was even unphased by that.

Uni is stressing me out - and I'm avoiding what I know I should be doing!

A is in Melbourne for work until Wednesday night - he's been gone since Sunday. The kids are behaving themselves mostly. Stupidly I stayed up until midnight last night catching up on West Wing episodes (I just LOVE that show) and then Maeve decided to wake at 5am this morning ... argggghhhhh!!!!! I managed to stay in bed until 7am, but it wasn't a very pleasant nor un-interrupted sleep in.

Did I mention we have Guinea Pigs?? Max got one from my mum for his birthday - we have 2 of them as she brought another one 'round on monday "for maeve"!!! They're very cute actually, but I've nearly lost one of them, twice, when it escaped Max's lap and made a mad rush for under the fence to the neighbours yard. So we're a pet owning family now - it's nice. The kids are really enjoying it, I hoe the novelty lasts.

Ergh, I can smell a very stinky nappy. I'ts bath time, then bedtime ... for the kids, not me unfortunately - I won't be far behind them tonight that's for sure.