Friday 9 March 2007

some weeks are just crap

for seemingly no real reason.

Scrapping has been a real challenge this week - just not feeling into it - I'm just glad the comp is a road block this week and it's up to Trudi to get us through (no pressure Trudi!) because if I think it was up to me, we'd be in certain trouble.

Just been feeling really flat this week.

We had an interesting morning on Thursday - long story short - Max slipped over inside whilst running and smacked his face on the ground, split his lip open and gave his front teeth a bit of a knock. Spent a good hour at the doctors with one very upset little boy. Thankfully A had only just left home and not on the bus yet and he was able to come home and look after Maeve while I took Max to the Dr. His lip is pretty swollen and we have a dentist appointment on Tuesday to see if there's any damage to his teeth. Lots of blood, lots of tears, but I think he'll be ok. Here's a pic from last night:

Onto other matters ... It seems A & I never really get to spend much time together these days. Between work, kids, church, scrapping and my obsession with exercise, we're like ships passing in the night. It's not good, but I don't know what to do. This week we've spent only one night at home together (monday night). Tonight will be no different, the weekend will see a bit of a change, but it's just not enough really is it? It's all about balance and at the moment I don't feel like we have much balance as a couple.

I was a bit annoyed with one of the mum's at Max's kindy this afternoon. I saw on the roster that she & i were in on the same day (which is Max's birthday) and it was her son's birthday too. So I approached her and asked her if she was planning on bringing a cake, to which she said yes and indicated it was going to be a big one. I said it was Max's birthday the same day. at that point I suppose I expected some effort at collaborating cakes/celebrations etc, but no, nothing. I think I'm just being oversensitive, but I'm reserving the right to be a bit peeved!! So now I don't know what to do. I think I'll talk to Max and see what he wants to do. He's having a party, so the whole kindy day thing is a bit secondary, but I don't want him to feel left out.

I really ought to go and try and finish this scrap page (it isn't supposed to be this hard y'know?).

Finished the LO - I am constantly frustrated at the lack of picture quality we have to submit due to having to reduce the pic size. If anyone knows how to reduce without losing so much detail, I would love to know.

Journalling is the Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poem "How Do I Love Thee" ...well part of it anyway because I couldn't fit the whole poen onto the page! Reads:

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.


Alicia Barry said...

Well I for one think that your layout is stunning.

Unknown said...

Yowweeee! That lip's a doozie! Hope it's better now. I'm hanging out to see all the layouts for this week, bummer about the gallery dtill being down as we'll only get to see the Reality Scrap team's entries not the others. Yours is lovely. I love the finished result and I know that you stressed about it but there you go, the end result is beautiful. A layout to be proud of, and submit maybe?

Sarah said...

submit?? pfffft! the mags hate me Leone!! I don't think I can be bothered.

L K said...

So .. what are you going to do about the whole Kindy birthday thing - you could always take the BETTER cake and make it BIGGER too. Maybe just explain to the teacher, so when they sing, it will be to both of them.

I hope Max's lip gets better soon. I showed Jocelyn the photo of Max and she said "that's not Max, that's a funny kid".

Trudi Harrison said...

I'm with Alicia, your LO is stunning!! It's giving out great vibes of love....

Ooooo Max's lip looks really painful. Ouch, poor boy hope it's not giving him too much grief.

Brendy xx said...

You have nothing to worry about, if this is what you produce in a flat week, we had all better watch out!
It is a beautiful layout!
OH poor Max, that lip looks nasty! I hope it is looking better now.
Keep your chin up everything will be better before you know it:)
Take Care