Saturday 24 March 2007

catch up

OK, so I haven't done a real post here for a while - there's more to life than scrapbooking ... yeah, like running!!!

Ahhh, ummmm, what have we been up to?

Last night took the kids for dinner at Decks (southbank) - Maeve absolutely loved the huge albino fish they have in a tank at the front, of course, this meant she didn't want to stay in her seat at all and wanted to keep getting down to look at the fish!

As far as seafood goes, it's a pretty crappy resturant - we won't be going there again. But it was quick and easy and the kids were tired, so it was ok I suppose.

Uni is gearing up with major assignment topics released this week ... arghhh, who am I kidding?! I have so much on my plate right now ... I really have to get better at managing my time and not wasting it fluffing around on the computer. I'm managing to keep up with most of the readings and required on line comments ... just, feels like I'm treading water a bit and any minute now it's all going to go under! I so prefer to study on campus though. But that's not going to happen, so I guess I just stop whinging about it and get on with it.

I've decided to take a break from scrapping for a while. Perhaps a few months. I just feel like I'm not keeping up with everything at the moment ... study, housework, spending time with the kids ... I just feel so disorganised and my life feels a bit out of control. I need a bit more order and organisation. So I'm packing all my stuff away - which means we'll have a dining room table again!!

Feeling a bit unmotivated with the gym lately. Most days I'd rather go out for a run than work on the cardio equipment at the gym - this means good things for my running, but I just paid for a 9 mth membership at the gym, so that kinda sucks, not that I want to stop going, I;m there 4 days a week and I'm a bit bored of it at times I suppose.

I'm going to do a 5k fun run at sanctuary cove on the 15th of April - mum's going to do it with me - my first ever - and a lead up for my first ever 10k race at the GCM in July - I didn't want to go into that without having ever lined up on a starting line before. So that's in 3 weeks - it shouldn't be hard as I'm running 5k at least once a week now anyway.

Max is 4 this week - thursday - can I believe it? Nope. I look at him sometimes and wonder what happened to that little baby boy ... He's having his first ever real party next saturday - a million kids, face painting, junky food, pinata, games, the works. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. SHould be fun though. I hope he behaves himself and is gracious in receiving gifts, remebers to say thank you and I hope there are no tears and no fights - am I asking too much?! I've got my brother lined up to take lots of pictures on the day - so will come back with a party report and post some pics!

So in line with getting more organised and cutting out a few things to make room for others, I'm not sure how much I'll blog here. I'm going to keep the other blog going, so if anyone wants to be submitted to my ramblings about running, trying to lose weight and get fit, feel free to head on over to : which is on the sidebar here too. Your comments there will be as welcomed as they are here. I'm sure I'll update this page occasionally, just not as often as the other one...


Unknown said...

Yep I'll stay in touch via whatever blog you're posting on. Sorry to hear that things are getting on top of you, but I think it's good that you realise that and can take that step away from a few things before it all gets too much. Take care.

AnnetteL said...

Hi Sarah, completely understand you need to take a break. It takes courage to step back and relook at things. I really hope it all works out for you. Good luck with the uni assignments and Happy Birthday to Max! You take care and remember to take care of you (you need to every know and then). Cheers Annette