Saturday 31 March 2007

Happy Birthday to you

well, my little boy is now offically 4.

I'm a bit sad really. Where did those 4 years go, and where did my cute little baby go? Who is this young boy in his place?

Max was sooooo good at his party. I had had my concerns and thought we might see a few rude comments over presents, tantrums, fights etc. He was perfectly behaved. A little overwhelmed at the flow of presents at the start, but aside from that was really a good little boy.

I must say, Max has managed to find himself some really lovely little friends. Every child that was there had lovely manners and played wonderfully the entire day. Anyone with a 4 year old knows that this doesn't always happen, especially with the excitement and sugar rush of a party thrown in the mix.

The kids loved the Pinata and the treasure hunt. My wonderful sisters and mum helped me so much with the party. Bekah did all the games and even arranged little lucky dip presents for each and every child (and they were great presents, it must have cost her a heap - I offered to pay her but she refused), Beth brought a heap of face painting stuff with her and did beautiful face painting for any child who wanted it, Mum brought 'grown up food'. Beth and Bekah both flew here especially for the party, and Beth's help this morning while I was icing the cake and doing other preparations was invaluable. I'm lucky to have them, and I hope Max will one day appreciae how lucky he is to have a family who loves him so much.

Max was given some wonderful, and very generous presents.

It was great to have Grandma, John, and all the vdb's there.

My fears of a home party being declared 'boring' or not fun enough were far from being realised. Every parent there gushed over the home made cake, pinata, lucky dip prizes, DIY face painting, food etc etc ... I think there's such a tendancy these days to pay someone else to do everything else for you, to see someone doing it themselves is a novelty!

Anyway, I'm declaring the day a great success. I'm exhausted.

Aside from the success of the party, Max has croup. He's coughing like a seal, and has barely any voice. Poor little fella. The dr wrote a script for Prednisone (sp?) which is quite concerning - such a strong steroid. This is supposed to be if his breathing becomes laboured - whatever that means. Dr said Maeve will probably get it ... He was ok at the party, but what could we do, couldn't exactly cancel it could we?

I'm off to bed because I plan to run 6.6k tomorrow.


Trudi Harrison said...

Happy Birthday Max. Sounds like you had a wonderful day celebrating with all your friends. Glad everything went well Sarah

Sarah said...

Thanks Trudi - good luck in the comp this week

Angela said...

Oh no...that is a shame you won't be scrapping sarah, I do love the work you do! But I understand the thought behind it...scrapping can be all consuming can't it. Hope you find a balance that makes you happy,

Unknown said...

Yeh, Sarah, you've survived your first birthday party! You now it's the start of many don't you. And wait till Maeve wants a fairy/princess/pink party! I always thought the home parties are so much nicer, I know it's a lot more effort, but I think its worth it in the long run. Oh and think of me, cause my eldest turns 21 this year. Now that's a party to plan, I tell you!