Tuesday 6 March 2007

Finally ... !

Finally found out we made i t through to the next round of the comp ... yay! This week is a road block challenge, which means only Trudi's LO contributes to our group points ... I ahve every faith in her and know she'll come up with something great. It's a Basic Grey challenge this week, using their Blush papers, so will be great to work with papers that I love.

Took the kids to the library this morning and Maeve had a total melt down as we were leaving, then when she got over it, Max decided it was his turn to throw a tantrum. I was very embarrassed. He was hitting me and throwing himself on the floor, screaming and just being plain silly. All because I wouldn't buy him a cheese & bacon roll from the bakery (because the ones they made at that particular bakery were horrible in my opinion) - instead I bought him one from Coles. I don't know what to do with him these days. He's so defiant and disobedient and talks back and shouts at me and hits me ... where did my sweet little boy go??? I hope he gets through this stage very quickly.

You can't help but think you've done something to create this little monster ... my parenting skills must really suck or something. I don't know. I just feel terrible about it. I can see that people get quite sick of him quite quickly - he's so bossy with other kids (and adults for that matter) telling them they're doing it wrong, or "that's a bad idea" is another favourite. I'm extremely frustrated with him and myself for my lack of being able to deal with him.

Just had a call from my brother - him and his 2 flatmates got an eviction notice last night - the unit is on the market and they want them out in 2 weeks!!!! For some reason they want to sell the unit vacant - which seems very strange to me. I think one of his flatmates is OS for another week as well. 2 weeks to find an affordable, decent 3 bedroom appartment in this part of town is just ridiculous. I told him to call the RTA and find out what their rights are. Anyway, I told him he could crash at our place for a few weeks should he need to. He should just buy the unit ...

I've painted all the kids windows and the first coat of gloss on 2 of our windows. 1 big window to do in our room - will do the undercoat tomorrow morning and then gloss on thursday morning and then again on friday morning, with the weekend to dry totally and then the blinds go on on Monday .... woo hoooooo!!! You have no idea how long I've waited for these!!! It's going to make a huge difference to the bedrooms and look of the house. Now if we can get the lounge room done and get our wooden blinds back on this house would be almost finished!!!!!

Better go think about what's for dinner tonight.

oh, I was very bad today and bought myself a polar HRM - should arrive tomorrow - I can't wait.


Lauren said...

Hi just wanted to pop by and say that I loved you RS LO this week.

Your brother should call the RTA because 2 weeks is not right. Usually the new owner has to take on the lease agreement or the tenants can leave by settlement. But give them a call or the web site is great. (sorry to but in)

Can't wait to see what you come up with this week.

Cheers, Lauren

Sarah said...

thanks Lauren - he did call the RTA - nothing they can do because their lease ends in 2 weeks. :( pretty bad treatment though, especially at this time of year when uni students moving around a lot and rents are hard to come by in Brisbane at the moment.

Thanks for your lovel comments about my LO. That's very kind of you.

Angela said...

Hi Sarah! Just wanted to say that you really should not worry about your little man so much. He has probably just had his first dose of testosterone and has no idea what to do with it so takes it out on you, the walls...anything in his way! He will settle down soon. I remember when Thomas got his, he would walk past a cupboard and just slam it for fun! lol! He is fine now though...til the next surgw at least!

Michelle Lindenmayer said...

I know what you mean about stressing about your children - I lay awake at night sometimes ponding my parenting mistakes. I try to remember that kids go through phases - maturity helps alot - my son is 8 now and things have improved alot - having said that the problems never go away - they just change!! I'm sure you are a fantastic parent Sarah - don't beat yourself up.

Good luck with this week's challenge as well - loving your work!

Unknown said...

Ladies, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have been through exactly the same with my 2 boys and yes I think it's the start of the testosterone kicking in. Don't feel bad Sarah, just keep telling him you love him and maybe when he's calm tell him that that sort of behavious is not OK.

Trudi Harrison said...

Wouldn't it be fantastic if children came with an instruction manual!!!! (oh and an off/on button according to my dh)

You can't help but wonder about your parenting skills when things don't go according to plan or how you think they should be. Believe in yourself and believe that you are doing the best that you possibly can.

I used to always worry about what other people thought when my dd threw a wobbly out in public. But at the end of the day its none of their business and they should think back to their time when their kids were the same age. Now if I see a parent with a child throwing a tantrum I just smile reassuringly at them because I know what its like too.

Ang is right with the testosterone theory. Boys of Max's age often get a 'surge' that effects their moods. I saw it plenty of times working in the preschool environment.