Monday 23 April 2007

toilet training

So last night was the first night we put Max in undies to sleep ... I was sure I would get woken up in the night to change the sheets.

I've been meaning to start TT him at night for ages, but wanted to buy another waterproof mattress protector before we tried. Finally got one on the weekend, so we could start.

He was so excited and proud of himself. No accidents, no wet sheets. So one night down, who knows how many to go ...

I'm very proud of him.

I ran my first 10k race on the weekend - you can read a riveting blow by blow account on the other blog if you're so inclined.

We're trying to decide what to do with the house renovation wise. It's very confusing and I wish we had a crystal ball to know what the right decision would be.

Uni is really dragging me down at the moment. I'm not enjoying it at all, I'm hating the subjects and wish it was all over. It's completely stuffing up my work/exercise/life balance - very inconsiderate really! ah well ... grit your teeth and get on with it.

Gotta go, the kids are climbing all over the dining room table ...

1 comment:

Alicia Barry said...

Good for you Sarah. I have been so slack with TT Kyan.

Sorry to hear that uni is not much fun. It will be worth it in the end though.